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Come with me

and you’ll be

in a world of

teacher edification.

Draw your pic

and Miss Jenny will

use fuhnetik pron unz e ashun

We'll begin


Traveling in

Tableau improvisation.

Has technology

brought us more


If you want to receive good advice

Simply look around and hashtag it

Anything you want to, do it

wanna change the world?

Tweet the NWP

There is no

Breakfast I know

To compare with

Summer institute-ation


muffins for free:

choc-o-late or blue-ber-ry?”


If you want to browse JSTOR sites

Simply look around and view it

Anything you want to inquire, do it

Wanta enter conversations?

Just Skype Lil,

she can do it

Blogging goes

oh so slow

when you’re using

49er wireless

Squeaky chairs

bother me.

A day in the life

of NWP

A Day in the Life...

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